Kind Words

Stars rating icon. Five star.

I have had the experience of ​having two home births with ​heather! She was there with ​kindness, knowledge and love ​for each pre natal appointment ​making me feel so strong as ​new mama and with my second ​baby. She just delivered my ​daughter Hazel in October ​2023 and her quick thinking ​and words of encouragement ​allowed me to have a magical ​homebirth. She gave me my ​space with my husband to labor ​and was there with ​encouragement when I needed ​it to push my baby girl out. She ​is highly trained in her PP ​knowledge as well and I would ​recommend her to any mama ​wanting a homebirth. She will ​take care of you and your baby ​safely!

~Maddie R.

Heather is amazing. Look no further!

As a first time mom I knew a homebirth ​was the option for me... but I was ​hesitant! I reached out to Heather and ​she was able to still have me under her ​care even though I was already halfway ​through my pregnancy at that point.

I'm so glad I did. Heather is ​knowledgeable, confident, & warm. She ​presents you with options and choices ​and lets you make your own informed ​decisions, of which there are many when ​it comes to childbirth these days.

She was gentle yet firm, and non ​judgemental. Throughout the whole ​pregnancy and birthing journey, I felt ​like she really took the time. Such a ​world of difference compared to any ​other medical experience I've had. You ​can just tell that midwifery is truly her ​passion.

She supported me (literally and ​figuratively) when I needed some ​coaching during the pushing stage of ​my labor and things were getting tough. ​Labor went well and we had our baby ​boy in the comfort of our own home ​here in Penn Valley :)

~Nicole C.

Heather was my midwife when I ​gave birth to my son. The love I feel ​for Heather and who she was for ​me during my pregnancy and ​birth…her compassion and ​kindness throughout every fear of ​mine was unlike anything I had ​experienced with medical ​professionals. My son needed ​some rescue breaths after birth. ​Everyone asks me if that was ​terrifying, and honestly it wasn’t ​because knew he was in the best ​hands. In a postpartum visit she ​picked up on some “melancholy” ​that I was unaware I was feeling. ​Just another testament to how ​intune she was with me and my ​baby. I am forever grateful for ​Heather’s trust in me, my body ​and my baby so I could experience ​the redemptive birth we needed, ​while also being so safe in my ​home. Hire Heather and you will ​not regret it!

~Victoria K.

Heather is currently one ​of my midwives and I ​LOVE her! I was just ​talking about how at ​ease I felt leaving my ​most recent ​appointment to my ​husband. She is so ​gentle, sweet, and never ​makes me feel bad or ​uncomfortable for ​asking any of my many ​questions as a first time ​mom. She is a wonderful ​person and a wonderful ​midwife and I’m blessed ​to be in her care!

~Lindsey N.

Baker Midwifery

501Anthony Court

Roseville, Ca 95678


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“Birth is not only about making babies. ​Birth is about making mothers--strong, ​competent, capable mothers who trust ​themselves and know their inner ​strength.”

― Barbara Katz Rothman