Homeopathic medicinal capsules

Placenta ​Services

For several thousand years, Traditional Chinese ​Medicine has taught that the placenta is an ​invaluable part of the postpartum healing ​process. After giving birth, new moms can ​experience fatigue, blood loss and a quick ​decrease in pregnancy hormones which can ​contribute to the development of the “baby ​blues” and postpartum depression (PPD). The ​placenta can support postpartum wellness by ​replenishing your body with natural iron and ​protein, as well as reintroducing essential ​hormones back into your system. Placenta ​encapsulation provides a palatable way to ​consume the placenta effortlessly. Placenta ​tinctures compliment the placenta capsules by ​extending the benefits in a shelf stable form for ​long term use.

If you would like any placenta services integrated ​into your postpartum care, let me know!

Baker Midwifery

501Anthony Court

Roseville, Ca 95678



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“Birth is not only about making babies. ​Birth is about making mothers--strong, ​competent, capable mothers who trust ​themselves and know their inner ​strength.”

― Barbara Katz Rothman