Mother just giving birth to a beautiful baby girl.

Monitrice ​Services

A monitrice is a unique combination of a doula ​and a midwife. A monitrice offers the same ​continuous labor support as a doula, but has ​additional midwifery training and can utilize ​their skills as needed. A monitrice is a perfect ​option for families that are planning a hospital ​delivery, but want to stay at home as long as ​possible to avoid excessive hospital ​interventions. They provide the same physical ​and emotional support as a doula, but in ​addition can help monitor mother and baby ​while laboring at home. At the appropriate ​time, the monitrice will accompany you to the ​hospital and continue to provide support as a ​doula.

Baker Midwifery

501Anthony Court

Roseville, Ca 95678


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“Birth is not only about making babies. ​Birth is about making mothers--strong, ​competent, capable mothers who trust ​themselves and know their inner ​strength.”

― Barbara Katz Rothman