Baker ​Midwifery

A homebirth midwifery ​practice

Heather Baker, LM, CPM

Baker Midwifery is a homebirth midwifery practice ​focused on providing individualized care to families ​of Placer, Sacramento, El Dorado and Nevada ​Counties. I specialize in holistic maternity care ​including prenatal care, labor and birth services, ​waterbirth, VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and ​postpartum care.

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Let’s Talk!

Schedule a COMPLEMENTARY consultation ​today. During our consultation we will get to ​know each other and I will answer any ​questions you may have.

Heather L. Baker, LM, CPM

As a Midwife

As a midwife, it is my passion to educate and care ​for families throughout their journey to ​parenthood and beyond. I am a strong advocate ​for birth choices and truly believe birth works best ​when families feel safe, respected and have the ​space to birth instinctually. The way we give birth ​matters. The way that we are born matters. I am ​dedicated to the families I serve and I am grateful ​for the opportunity to empower families while ​welcoming babies Earthside with love and ​support.

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“Whenever and ​however you give birth, ​your experience will ​impact your emotions, ​your mind, your body, ​and your spirit for the ​rest of your life.”

-Ina May Gaskin

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Photos by Heather Baker

Baker Midwifery

501Anthony Court

Roseville, Ca 95678


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“Birth is not only about making babies. ​Birth is about making mothers--strong, ​competent, capable mothers who trust ​themselves and know their inner ​strength.”

― Barbara Katz Rothman