Maternity ​Services

Baker Midwifery provides comprehensive in-home prenatal care, labor and birth ​services, postpartum care and newborn care. It is my priority to provide quality ​education and true informed consent throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Prenatal Visits:

During your in-home prenatal appointments, your care will be individualized to ​your unique needs. Each prenatal appointment is an hour long to ensure we have ​ample time to address any questions or concerns, provide education on nutrition ​and stress management, and review ways to best support you and your growing ​baby through each stage of your pregnancy. I offer ​routine labs, tests and ​​ultrasounds, as well as ​resources for Childbirth Education Classes ​to ensure you ​have all the ​tools you need to birth your baby with ​confidence.

For families planning a hospital delivery, I also offer individualized prenatal ​visits to supplement your care with a doctor.


Homebirth is so much more than an unmedicated birth at home. Welcoming a ​new soul into your family is a sacred event and a huge transition for the entire ​family. I believe this sacred time can be honored while still providing quality ​medical care, support and patience. I truly believe that birth is a natural ​physiological process that works best when families feel safe, respected and have ​the space to birth instinctually. During your labor and birth, you will be ​encouraged to find positions that are most comfortable for you and you will ​have the option to use my water birth tub or birth stool as desired.

Postpartum Care:

Baker Midwifery offers in-home postpartum care for you and baby. During the ​6-weeks following your birth, I will continue your care to ensure you and your ​baby are thriving. Your postpartum care includes postpartum exams, newborn ​exams, any desired newborn procedures, breastfeeding support, birth processing ​and much more. I am also available to you and your baby 24/7 to answer any ​questions or concerns that arise during the six-week postpartum period.

For families planning a hospital delivery, I also offer individualized postpartum ​and newborn visits to supplement your care with a doctor.

Baker Midwifery

501Anthony Court

Roseville, Ca 95678


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“Birth is not only about making babies. ​Birth is about making mothers--strong, ​competent, capable mothers who trust ​themselves and know their inner ​strength.”

― Barbara Katz Rothman